We support 17 SDG's of United Nations

ModonGroup s.a.r.l. participating in United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)- Lebanon Network for the Collaboration on the Sustainable Development Goals.

The following speech was given by ModonGroup's representative Ms. Aya Ibrahim.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for having this opportunity to address you today. Definitely, the United Nations Global compact Network has a critical role to play in achieving the sustainable development goals in Lebanon. And on behalf of ModonGroup company, we are very honored to a contributing and a committed member to this network for the sake of sustainability.

Today, I will be focusing on 2 SDGs which are also in the scope of work of ModonGroup.
Goal 6: clean water and sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
But first let me explain briefly what ModonGroup does. ModonGroup is mainly and initially is an electro-mechanical engineering and contracting company based in Saida. Our scope of works and services includes but is not limited to water and wastewater treatment, renewable energy (specifically solar energy), construction works, and electrical & mechanical design, manufacturing and installation. To that end, and throughout the past 10 years ModonGroup became a full service and solution provider in these several fields.

I think now it’s clear why I’m targeting these goals as they are at the core of our work and at the same time they are main concerns in Lebanon.

Speaking of Goal 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” which is to ensure access to safe water sources and Sanitation for all; we are definitely struggling to achieve that in Lebanon. In other words, this goal targets the quantity and the quality of water supply. And in Lebanon we are facing water shortages where many areas do not have a daily and/or 24 hours of water supply service. In addition, what became common among our households is that we refer to buying bottled water and installing filters for our households’ taps because we do not rely on the quality of the water that is being supplied through the networks. The reasons why the quantity and quality of water in Lebanon is diminishing and deteriorating are due to mismanagement, poor infrastructure, and lack of planning in this sector. While working on Water metering and management projects with Lebanon’s water establishments, what we so far realized at ModonGroup is that the management gap is more critical than the technical one. For instance, there is lack of consistent and complete data record about the various aspects of water resources as well as the mismanagement of this data if it exists. So in fact, the issue is more tangled on the management part as the technical gaps can be resolved easier. Nevertheless, being affected by the refugee crisis where also refugees are struggling to have access to safe water and sanitation; it is very crucial to have an integrated water management plan in order to ensure that we achieve goal 6 in the sustainable manner.

Moving on to Goal 7 “affordable and clean Energy” which is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all; this sector has struggles as well. The electricity shortage is a common issue across Lebanon where we rely on alternative private generators which are additional costs on households and businesses, and they’re increasing the burden of greenhouse gases emissions. On the other hand, it is well noted that Lebanon is investing in the solar energy sector, and it’s becoming well-known in the market. In fact, we have established a solar energy department at ModonGroup and we can tell that so many clients (schools, industries, businesses…) are interested & willing to invest in this alternative source of energy. It’s also obvious that people are realizing that this is a reliable and cost-efficient solution where the life of a PV system is estimated for 20 years and more with minimal maintenance requirements. In addition, when speaking of clean energy, we have to consider energy recovery solutions & technologies. For instance, as you may know that gases released from solid waste treatment units can be recovered to produce electricity. Therefore, we sure have many ways and resources to maintain clean and affordable energy in Lebanon.  

At the end, it takes little efforts on the personal level to become sustainable citizens and adopting a sustainable life style. I hope this network grows bigger and bigger in order to achieve the SDGs in Lebanon.
I believe that sustainability is the right way of doing things.

A Group of ModonGroup s.a.r.l. Engineers & Environmental Expert  with the General Manager


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